Our values
Client Autonomy
We strive to make our clients autonomous if they wish so and are comfortable with the new work tools. But we will support you as long as you need it.
We will negotiate and realize all mandates with a total transparency to our clients, every time. In order to be satisfied, you must understand all the steps of the mandate and their purpose.
We are the leaders in value management consultation. We will do every thing to keep this position by pushing the use of the approach to its limits, by following training continuously, by participating to conferences, by tackling new challenges and by linking the methodology to others for synergy.
We will supply services that you need, we will support you during the whole mandate, we will make sure you are comfortable with the approach and we will do all this while respecting your context and culture.
Associates at Martin Parrot are certified and can offer certified AV training. We are constantly searching for new tools and improved methods and have developed a network that allows us to be a leader in the field. We can carry out our mandates in French, English, and Spanish. The benefits of using AV are:
- Greater competitiveness for your products and company
- Better construction projects that better meet the needs of your clients at controlled costs
- More efficient processes and a better perception by users
- Improved performance for your company
- Innovation
- Less fatigue for your staff
- A more balanced work environment
- Your deadlines will be met
- Your products will be better managed
- Your costs will be better controlled
Martin Parrot is composed of its principal partner, Mrs, Lucie Parrot, industrial engineer. She has been consultant in manufacturing systems before being a consultant in value analysis. She has helped many clients better develop and build their products and other projects. She is recognized as a leader in this field. Certified Value Specialist, she also teaches Value Engineering at McGill University and with industrial clients. She is very systematic in her approach and always wants to beat competition. Her sense of humour and great energy are advantages to use during workshops. Mrs Parrot has been certified since 1994.
Mrs Parrot has a team of colleagues, engineers and specialists, who assist her in various mandates, according to the required competencies. Her numerous agreements with privileged partners, allows her to realize mandates in various fields.
The second partner of the company is Mrs. Andréanne Martin. Mrs. Martin is biologist, with a master degree in scientific translation and administrator of Martin Parrot. Information regarding logistics, and contract administration can be found with Mrs. Martin. She also cofacilitates workshops with Mrs. Parrot since 2014.

Lucie Parrot

Andréanne Martin
Presentations and conferences
The personnel of Martin Parrot is often solicited to speak about Value Analysis or product development.
2023 – The role of the cofacilitator
2022 – Function Analysis does it all!
Click below to watch the presentation.
2020 – Design Thinking and Value Management)
Click below to watch the presentation.
2018 – Value Based Priorities in a project portfolio
2017 – Using the VA process at different phases of a project
2016 – Value proposition and Value analysis, what to learn from each other 2016 – VE for the optimization of door systems at Vapor Rail
2015 – Introduction to VA/VE in Quebec City, Montreal, Calgary and Edmonton 2014 – VE in the process industries of Canada
2013 – VA in Canada and across the world
2012 – Why does the best value not arise automatically, jointly with Arpad Fodor, Hungary
2012 – VE in Canada, presentation to the Hungarian Value Society
2009-2010 – How to implement a VE program
2008 – VE and sustainable development
2007 – FPS helps understand the multi-utilities tunnels
2006 – Using FPS to understand the client’s needs and design a building
2003 – Using VE to define the training needs of the maintenance department at IBM Canada
2001 – Value Engineering of a complete assembly line at IBM Canada
1996 – Using VE in the optimization of existing products in the aerospace industry.
2022 – Function analysis does it all
2021 – The many uses of the Functional Performance Specification
2011 – Portland International Conference
2010 – Long Beach International Conference: Implementing VE in your enterprise
2006 – Savannah International Conference: the use of Functional Performance Specification to define the needs for a Traffic Volume Information System, for the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario
2000 – Reno International Conference: the role of the moderator, let’s work and have fun.
1994 – New Orleans International Conference: using Functional analysis to define the performance specifications for a new train at Bombardier, doing it right the first time
2024 – Mrs Parrot presented Value Design along with Cedric Berger from the Value University and Alain Chaput from Pragsix, at the PMI-Montréal Symposium of 2024. Standing room only! You will find the PDF version of our presentation with this link: link
2022- Swiss society of Value analysis – Reducing the use of resources (water)
2022 – Women Agile Montreal : Agile approach and Value Approach (in French) Click below to watch the presentation. 2019 – Value University, Geneva, Switzerland, Towards a better use of public funds 2018 – First Austrian conference, the use of VA on publicly funded projects 2017 – International Institute of Business Analysis, VA in the IT sector 2016 – Geneva, first Swiss conference, The evolution of VA in Canada 2012 – Budapest, Hungarian Society for Value Analysis, The evolution of VA in Canada 2007 – Budapest, Hungarian Society for Value Analysis, The use of VE in a product development process
ovember 2022
Mrs. Parrot has been named to the position of President of Value Analysis Canada, for the year 2022-23. She had occupied this position a few years ago.
“I will try to better serve the members and interested persons from Quebec, so that Value Analysis Canada comes back to its mission at its creation, a completely bilingual Value Society, serving all provinces at the same level” said Mrs. Parrot at her nomination.
I was last night at the PMI Montreal gala and a prize was awarded to the STM for the Stinson center. We have done a VE session on this project, with them. Congratulations to the entire team!
Ms. Parrot has just been elected by her peers as President of Value Analysis Canada (formerly known as Canadian Society for Value Analysis) for a two-year term.
October 20th 2015 – Value engineering, a tool to deliver projects of greater value. This event in Calgary was organized by APEGA and open to all.
Last November 7th, Mrs. Parrot gave a training session of a whole day, at the Order of Engineers of Quebec, in Montreal, in front of a group of 99 persons! The whole day was dedicated to value engineering and how to use it in the product development context as well as for the design of infrastructures.
June 7th 2016. Mrs Parrot was awarded a Fellowship from SAVE International. This prestigious nomination highlights her long value analysis career of 25 years. Mrs. Parrot has also contributed to the advancement of the value approach throughout Canada. Congratulations and many more years and projects to come!
Our president, Lucie Parrot, went to Alberta for a few activities: October 19, 2015- Presentations to Calgary City staff, morning for administration and afternoon for project managers. Big day, to discuss value in the city projects and management for project managers. This event was reserved for city staff only.
See Mrs. Parrot on a presentation of the Calgary statistics on Value management. This presentation was done in August 2016 at the Value University in Geneva. Click here to see the video..
October 21st 2015 – value engineering, in Edmonton. A morning session took place at NAIT, to demystify value engineering.
Many projects recognized by PMI-Montreal in the last few years have been value engineered by our team: STM- Stinson center, Du Boisé Library, Jewish general Hospital, QIT in Sorel. Congratulations to the project managers.
Certification by SAVE International : new training
Great news! Mrs. Parrot is now certified by SAVE International to teach the advanced training in value analysis, the VMF2 course (Value Methodology Fundamentals-2). This 32-hour training is essential and mandatory to be allowed to write the CVS certification. Contact...
2022 Value Symposium
The 2022 Value Symposium will take place soon, information available on the website here. Martin Parrot Inc. is a sponsor to the event. Mrs. Parrot will speak about analysis on Thursday morning just before facilitating the discussion panel. Clients from Martin Parrot...
Martin Parrot Inc. anniversary
In this month of August 2022, Martin Parrot celebrates its 10th anniversary. After 15 years known as Nguyen Parrot, the firm Martin Parrot continues to deliver mandates in value analysis. For 25 years now, we have been at your service to help you create and manage the...
Value Voices
From organizational restructuring to product optimization, Function Analysis does it all!Date: Tuesday, January 25, 2022Time: 16:00 (PST), 17:00 (MST), 19:00 (EST), 20:00 (AST)Registration: click hereAbstractFunction Analysis is a powerful tool with many...
Value University Fall 2021
For the last 4 years and again this fall, Mrs. Parrot will give a VMF1 training session at the Value University, in Geneva (Switzerland). For more information, please visit the website.The training will be given on line and includes 8 half days of 4 hours each for a...
BA’s contribution to a value management program
Next May 18, Mrs. Parrot will speak to Business Analysts to show them how essential they are to the realization of value studies and to the implementation of a value management program. (In French) For more information, click here.
Value Design
Value Management and Design Thinking join forces to create an even more performant approach, Value Design. All the value creation methodologies, from the Value Proposition to Value Analysis are now offered by Martin Parrot, who never stops innovating in this topic. We...
COVID-19 virus
March 20, 2020 In this troubled period, created by the COVID-19 virus, we know many clients are either closed or function partially. But rest assured that Martin Parrot is still available for all services that can be supplied remotely: training, information sessions,...
Meeting with Swiss Transit Authorities
Mrs. Parrot and Martin are just back from a short stay in Switzerland (Geneva and Lausanne, December 2019) where they have met, along with Mr. Cedric Berger of the Swiss Value Society, future users of VA. As for the Montreal and Laval transit authorities, the Public...