At Martin Parrot, we have always taken great care to supply the best services possible. In these pandemic days, it is still true. Even if you, our clients, are working from home or not working at all, we are there to support you in your value studies, if need be. Thus, we have adapted our ways of delivering our services.
We usually apply the 6 phases of the Value job plan in our mandates. Here is how we will do it in the months to come, when business resumes:
Preparation of the mandate: this meeting will now take place via web conference. For our new clients, it will be an opportunity to “see” and get to know each other; for our regular clients, it will be an opportunity to get back in touch.
1. Information phase: as usual, we will share information on a secure website or Dropbox. Most of you are already well equipped with this technology.
2. Analysis phase: this phase is the most critical one, we will do it via web conference (WebEx, GoToMeeting or Zoom) where everybody will be able to see the documents used for the analysis and where all can contribute to the analysis. It is important to be well disciplined to speak one at a time and put your microphone on mute when silent. No need to all have a camera on you. However, this phase will be divided into 3-hour sessions instead of full days.
3. Creativity phase: like in a regular in-person workshop, we can do a verbal brainstorming session, but we also have creativity tools (such as Mural) to do a brainwriting session.
4. Evaluation phase: if the Mural app has been used, it will also serve to sort the ideas. If not, it will be verbally through the web conference.
5. Development of proposals: as always, it is the participants who develop the Value Improvement Proposals (VIP). So, here, there is no need to adapt the method.
6. Conclusion and documentation: another web conference will be organized so all participants who have developed VIPs can present them and contribute to the outcome of the workshop. We will then document the whole process, as usual.
During web conferences, there will be two of us on this side of the value team, in order to document all steps of the process done together, but at a distance.
Rest assured that we will make every effort to meet your needs and support your efforts to develop and optimize your products or services, building design or any other project that is important to you.
Thank you,
Lucie Parrot, eng. M.eng. CVS®-life, FSAVE